Monthly Archives: November 2012


Biggest news right now in Germany is about their Cancer treatment. They have a machine that helps the “diease”. Doesn’t disapear but it tones down (meaning its not a serve). t’s been having shortages and isnt working the way they want it too…or need it to. The pharmaceutical companies are saying “We feel as if the machine isn’t doing what we need it to do. It’s financially worth our time anymore.”  The machine is widely used among germans with cancer. The people that control the maching are worried about “shutting it down”. In my opinion, I wouldn’t shut it down.


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ermany originated about 2500 years ago. Tribes of people lived along the shores of the Baltic Sea. Hundreds of years ago, most of these tribes moved inland. Where they moved, today is considered Modern Day Germany. Germany has since developed over the years.There has been more than one occasion of war in Germany. One of the major wars was World War 1. World War 1 was started in 1914; it was caused mainly because of an assassination. The war was between Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Turkey, against, France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and Japan. The war lasted for about 4 years; it ended in 1918, with Germany’s side losing.
Another war that occurred with Germany was World War 2. World War 2 started in 1939 with France and Britain declaring war. The war lasted about, 6 years, and ended when Japan surrendered.